Monday, March 9, 2015

One Tough Mother

    I found this image online from through google search and found the scripture encouraging for today! 1 Timothy 1:3-5 says "I am grateful to God—whom I worship with a clear conscience, as my ancestors did—when I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. 4 Recalling your tears, I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy. 5 I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you."
    Last week was an exceptionally tough week for me. We just had a mixture of all the "bads:" waking up early, not going down for a nap, super cranky! It didn't help that my hubby has been taking a class at night so he leaves early goes to work, comes home for dinner and then goes to class. He then had to work this weekend as well, coming home at midnight. Needless to say, I was overtired and stressed out.
    For the life of me, I have no clue what caused this extreme crankiness and throwing off of Baby P's schedule. She might be teething some more, but I have given her frozen wash cloths/spoons, and given her the homeopathic medicines. Those things seemed to calm her down for a little while. The main issue was that whenever I would get her to sleep for a nap, she'd scream because I tried putting her in her crib. She'd cry if I put her down for any amount of time to play during the day. I was getting so frustrated.
    But today, I decided it didn't matter if she took a nap in her crib. It didn't matter if she was cranky either. I was going to let her sleep on me if she fell asleep and not try to move her. I figured at least she was getting a nap. I also decided that I was not going to get frustrated no matter what happened... no matter how cranky she got. So far it's going great. She hasn't gone down for a nap, but oh well. There has to be a reason right? I'm sure I'll figure it out and update everyone in the blogiverse.
    What have you done when your little one refuses to take a nap? Or is cranky all day long? 

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